Research Assistance
Researching at Our Library
We welcome you to come to our library to use our research facilities. The fee is $10.00 per day for non-members plus 25 cents per page for copies. Members can research in person for free and pay for copies. We have staff on hand to assist you in finding the research material you require. A computer terminal with access to FamilySearch and a printer/copier/scanner is available for your use for 25 cents per page printed. Laptops are allowed and wi-fi is available. Members and nonmembers are required to pay an additional $10.00 daily fee to use personal electronic devices (including cell phones) to scan or otherwise save or reproduce documents or any other material on the premises.
Distant Research Options
For those who are unable to visit our facility, we offer expert research assistance for very reasonable fees. The minimum fee to initiate in-house research is $30.00 for members and $40.00 for nonmembers for each request. If the initial examination indicates further research is justified, you may request additional research hours at the rate of $15.00/hour for members and $20.00/hour for nonmembers. We will also perform research and/or document retrieval at the Northumberland County Courthouse at the flat rate of $20.00/hour. There is a charge of $10.00 for copies, documents, and postage (if applicable) for each request.
All fees are non-refundable and due in advance. We can’t guarantee the results you seek. Research results will be sent to you by electronic means or by U.S. Postal Service if you prefer. Postage costs apply to material that is mailed to you.
To expedite the research, we need specific and complete information that can’t be reliably and accurately conveyed over the telephone. Research requests must be initiated by means of our Research Assistance Application. Download the form below, print it out, and fill in the applicable information. Mailing this form to NCHS with a check for the proper amount will initiate your research project. Our contact information is at the top of the form. With this form you authorize NCHS to perform the research for you, define the intent and limits of the investigation, and provide the information necessary to accomplish your goal.
For best results, please complete the request form as completely as possible. Please complete a form for each person if your inquiry involves more than one person in a family group. Each request may include more than one individual but is limited to family group members (i.e. a couple and their children).